Saturday, June 5, 2010

Yuna Kim Stays Competitive Another Season - Associated Content

Yuna Kim Stays Competitive Another Season - Associated Content

Posted: 03 Jun 2010 02:20 AM PDT

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Kim's glaringly polished skating was so conspicuously superb even to the untutored eye as to make experts wonder if it's all relevant to quibble on points with incomparable merits of her skating.

How Kim will steer her career remains to be seen, but everything else is now on the table. We will have another season of Kim's mastery on the ice that permeates into the superlative of her


What makes figure skating great is its extremity, years of training, harsh discipline, and vulnerable human physique, all of which's too difficult even for the iron-willed to overcome. That's why figure skaters are special, and they deserve to be loved and adored all the more for their ultimate devotions and sacrifices to enable them what they are.

Tara Lipinski once said that after she had won the Olympic gold, she felt she lost motives to compete because she had accomplished the best imaginable in life. Maybe, she was right. Or it's just perspective. But if Kim happens to feel the same, here it is an ad for her.

Help Wanted: an explorer to the land of Muse. The road is uncharted. Only the bravest and the exceptional sought for the job.

Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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